About us

TUBYCON develops medical products that improve the medical environment
and increase work efficiency with the know-how of medical professionals.

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CEO's Message

We will try to make TUBYCON a company that everyone wants to work with and a company that wants to grow together.


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TUBYCON desires to create a safe and efficient medical environment through innovative medical products and services.

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You can check out the important milestones and achievements of TUBYCON. Go through our growth and development process together.

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Patents and Certifications

To improve the environment for urinalysis, sputum testing, and COVID-19 testing, TUBYCON is obtaining various patents and certifications.

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To provide high quality products and services, we are building the corporate identity(CI) of TUBYCON. Check out TUBYCON's CI.

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Check out how to visit TUBYCON, the leading company of medical innovation with patented all-in-one urine test cups and automated systems.