Challenge! K-Startup Champion’s league ‘Intellectual Property Office Award’

TUBYCON has been garnering attention across diverse fields through continuous innovation and exertion.
Especially, we were selected as one of the Top 10 teams out of 5,400 teams in the Reserve StartUp League and won the ‘Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office Award’ at the Challenge! K-StartUp Exposition.
This signifies positive appraisal for our innovative ideas and efforts. The ‘Commissioner of the Korean Intellectual Property Office Award’ is bestowed upon those acknowledged for their high-quality technologies and creativity, instilling confidence in our technological capabilities and innovativeness.
We will continue to strive for excellence in reaching further goals.

도전 ! K-스타트업 창업경진대회 '특허청장상' (5,400팀 중 예비창업리그 Top 10 선정)